Sunday, January 16, 2011

Our first.

Happy First Monthsary To You Sweety!

I know it's only the first we had, but if you looked back,
We've gone thru so much, and that's the fact.
Maybe more than anyone had, or maybe not.
But whatever it is, i wish we can still go thru every obstacles together.
Strongly my dear.
I love you alot, so much that i can't type it out right here.
Even in a text message. How much that you can't imagine or guess. :)
I hope to see you later, sorry for everything.
I just want everything got to do with you and us right now.
Nothing else. I mean it. Swear.
If i ever made you wonder,
I'm sorry. I didn't intend on doing it dear.
Sayang, thankyou for everything since how close we're.
You've changed me. It mean so much to me.

-Rahman, Your boify.